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Saint Mary’s College Quezon City

St. Mary’s College, Quezon City adheres to the RVM Philosophy of Education aimed at leading all to fullness of life in Jesus Christ.


We believe that…
God is Father who, in abundant love and total graciousness, created humanity and all creation to share His love.
When humanity chose to live apart from God, in his tender mercy the Father sent His Son Jesus to show humanity the way back to Him to pursue the path of justice, truth and love.

The Father sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify, inspire, guide and enlighten everyone in following Jesus so that the will of God for the well-being of all may be fulfilled.

God chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God and the Mother of the Church. Mary, being the first disciple, journeys with us to fullness of life in Jesus Christ.

We believe that…
By the example set by Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, the RVM Education proclaims that it is the heart that knows God, who is the source of all wisdom (cf. Prov. 2:6; 9:10; Job 28:20.23; Eccl 2:26; Ps 51:6; James 3:17-18).
Education is a life-long process whereby human persons grow and develop their potentials in the pursuit of their God-given mission of transforming all things in Jesus Christ.

Learning is growth for every person to become a witness to faith, excellence and service in varied socio-cultural settings; thus, participate in the transforming experience of life in Jesus Christ.
The School is where the process of growth is directed towards reverence for creation and persons, which fortifies the spirit of communion.
The Students who are citizens of their times, unique with their own history, capacities and inspiration, have the sacred and the good, the promise and the potentials for the actualization of the mission entrusted to them.

The Teachers are persons committed to the process of becoming whole and to the task of leading others to maturity in Jesus Christ.

The School Administrators are servant leaders committed to witness to the Good News and to journey with the academic community in their search for truth, beauty and goodness.
As a Catholic School, SMCQC works for the development of the whole person who recognizes one’s Christian role of exemplifying ethical and corporate responsibility in a humane society through constant encounter with Jesus Christ and others.

As a Filipino School, SMCQC is dedicated to the task of producing well-rounded citizens who can preserve and witness to relevant and wholesome Filipino culture, value and attitudes.
As an RVM School, SMCQC is committed to the Christian formation of Ignacian Marian leaders who are imbued with Ignacian Spirituality and live simply to serve God and creation.