“The darkest nights produce the brightest stars”

I value education so much. I asked myself if I could really go to college since my father (Carlos Lacanlale) is a construction worker and my mother (Dolly Lacanlale) is a housewife only. My dream was made possible because of Alfredo M. Yao (AMY) Foundation partnered with my determination and hard work. The foundation is not just a simple program that helps those students who are willing to study but a sunlight that beams to those flowers (students) who are about to wither (lose hope).

Know the inspiring story of Camilo D. Lacanlale, AMY Scholar Graduate, now a Licensed Professional Teacher

Hard Work Pays Off

“And as a proof of the saying that “hard work pays off” I graduated as a Cum Laude and took an oath as a newly passed Certified Public Accountant. All of this was made possible by this Foundation. Words are never enough to show how thankful I am, so instead, I promised to pay the blessing I received forward, to help another youth who is a victim of unpleasant circumstances to achieve his dreams through studying.”

Know more about the story of Joyce Ann De Jesus, and how she kept the vision of AMY Foundation burning.

Beyond Grateful

At 14 years old, she lost her father leading her family into a hard financial situation. With her determination and through the help of AMY Foundation, Arriane Grace Urbina is now a Certified Industrial Engineer. Know her inspiring journey as an AMY scholar.